I'll give that a shot, thanks!

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 7/3/2013 9:29 AM, Neal Ensor wrote:
>> Posted the solr config up as http://apaste.info/4eKC (hope that works).
>>   Note that this is largely a hold-over from upgrades of previous solr
>> versions, there may be lots of cruft left over.  If it's advisable to do
>> so, I would certainly be open to starting from scratch with a 4.3+ example
>> configuration.
>> I will take up the logging portions you listed there, to see where I might
>> have missed a library or configuration point, thanks.
> You have a LOT of auto warming in your cache configuration.  Unless your
> filter queries are really super simple, a more realistic autowarmCount for
> the filterCache is low double digits or even single digit.  If they are
> super simple, a number like 64 might be OK.  For the queryResultCache, I
> don't think I would go above a few hundred at the absolute most.  You
> probably don't need overall cache sizes that large, but that shouldn't
> cause any problems, unless it is pushing the limits of your java heap.
> The high numbers that you have mean that every commit with openSearcher
> set to true (the default) will result in Solr running 4608 queries against
> the new index before it can go online.  If both master and slave servers
> have similar config, it will happen on both.  As you might imagine, this
> many queries can take a very long time, which can lead to a whole cascade
> of other problems, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that replication is
> affected.
> Try reducing the autowarmCount values drastically and see what happens.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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