
I currently have Solr 4.3 set up with about 400 cores set to load upon start 
up.  When starting Solr with an empty index for each core, Solr is able to load 
all of the cores and start up normally as expected.  However, after running a 
dataimport on all cores and restarting Solr, it hangs at 
"org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer; registering core: ..." without any type of 
error message in the log.  The process still exists at this point, but doesn't 
make any progress even if left for a period of time.  Prior to the restart, 
Solr continues to function normally, and is searchable.

Solr is currently running in master-slave replication, and this same, exact 
behavior occurs on the master and both slaves.

I've checked all of the system log files and am also unable to find any errors 
or messages that would point to a particular problem.  Originally, I had 
thought it may have been related to an open file limit, but I also tried 
raising the limit to 65k, and Solr continued to hang at the same spot.  It does 
appear to be related to files to an extent, since removing the index/"data" 
directory of half of the cores does allow Solr to start up normally.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.


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