: Do all of your cores have "newSearcher" event listners configured or just
: 2 (i'm trying to figure out if it's a timing fluke that these two are 
stalled, or if it's something special about the configs)

All of my cores have both the "newSearcher" and "firstSearcher" event listeners 
configured. (The firstSearcher actually doesn't have any queries configured 
against it, so it probably should just be removed altogether)

: Can you try removing the newSearcher listners to confirm that that does in 
fact make the problem go away?

Removing the "newSearcher" listeners does not make the problem go away; 
however, removing the "firstSearcher" listener (even if the "newSearcher" 
listener is still configured) does make the problem go away.

: With the newSearcher listeners in place, Can you try setting 
"spellcheck=false" as a query param on the newSearcher listeners you have 
configured and 
: see if that works arround the problem?

Adding the "spellcheck=false" param to the "firstSearcher" listener does appear 
to work around the problem.

: Assuming it's just 2 cores using these listeners: can you reproduce this 
problem with a simpler seup where only one of the affected cores is in use?

Since it's not just these two cores, I'm not sure how to produce much of a 
simpler setup.  I did attempt to limit how many cores are loaded in the 
solr.xml, and found that if I cut it down to 56, it was able to load 
successfully (without any of the above config changed).

If I cut it down to 57 cores, it doesn't hang at "registering core" any more, 
it actually gets as far as " QuerySenderListener sending requests to 
Searcher@2f28849 main{StandardDirectoryReader(..."

If 58+ cores are loaded at start up, that's when it begins to hang at 
"registering core".  However, it always hangs on the *last* core configured in 
the solr.xml, regardless of how many cores are being loaded.

: can you reproduce using Solr 4.4?
: It would be helpful if you could create a jira and attach...
: * your complete configs -- or at least some configs similar to yours that are 
complete enough to reproduce the startup problem.  
: * some sample data (based on
: your initial description, i'm guessing there at least needs to be a handful 
of docs in the index -- and most likelye they need to match your warming query 
-: - but we don't need your actual indexes, just some docs that will work with 
your configs that we can index 
: & restart to see the problem. 
: * these thread dumps.

I can likely get to this early next week, both checking into how this behaves 
using Solr 4.4 and submitting a JIRA with your requested info.

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