Keep in mind that DataStax has a custom update handler, and as such isn't 
exactly a vanilla Solr implementation (even though in many ways it still is).  
Since updates are co-written to Cassandra and Solr you should always tread a 
bit carefully when slightly outside what they perceive to be norms.

On Oct 18, 2013, at 7:21 PM, Brent Ryan <> wrote:

> So I think the issue might be related to the tech stack we're using which
> is SOLR within DataStax enterprise which doesn't support atomic updates.
> But I think it must have some sort of bug around this because it doesn't
> appear to work correctly for this use case when using solrj ...  Anyways,
> I've contacted support so lets see what they say.
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> On 10/18/2013 3:36 PM, Brent Ryan wrote:
>>> My schema is pretty simple and has a string field called solr_id as my
>>> unique key.  Once I get back to my computer I'll send some more details.
>> If you are trying to use a Map object as the value of a field, that is
>> probably why it is interpreting your add request as an atomic update.  If
>> this is the case, and you're doing it because you have a multivalued field,
>> you can use a List object rather than a Map.
>> If this doesn't sound like what's going on, can you share your code, or a
>> simplification of the SolrJ parts of it?
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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