RE: the example folder

It’s something I’ve been pushing towards moving away from for a long time - see Rename 'example' dir to 
'server' and pull examples into an 'examples’ directory

Part of a push I’ve been on to own the Container level (people are now on board 
with that for 5.0), add start scripts, and other niceties that we should have 
but don’t yet.

Even our config files should move away from being an “example” and end up more 
like a default starting template. Like a database, it should be simple to 
create a collection without needing to deal with config - you want to deal with 
the config when you need to, not face it all up front every time it is time to 
create a new collection.

IMO, the name example is historical - most people already use it this way, the 
name just confuses matters.

- Mark

On Nov 13, 2013, at 12:30 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 11/13/2013 5:29 AM, Dmitry Kan wrote:
>> Reading that people have considered deploying "example" folder is slightly
>> strange to me. No wonder they are confused and confuse their ops.
> I do use the stripped jetty included in the example, but my setup is not a 
> straight copy of the example directory. I removed a lot of it and changed how 
> jars get loaded.  I built my own init script from scratch, tailored for my 
> setup.
> I'll start a new thread with my init script and some info about how I 
> installed Solr.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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