On 3/4/2014 3:09 PM, KNitin wrote:
I did the following as you suggested. I have a lib dir under /mnt/solr/
(this is the solr.solr.home dir) and moved all my jars in it. I do not have
anySharedLib or lib references in my solr or solrconfig. xml file

The jars are not getting loaded for a few custom analyzers I have in the

Should I specify anywhere to use /mnt/solr/lib/ as the lib path to use

The solr home is where solr.xml lives. So if /mnt/solr is that location, then that would be where you want solr home to point. Generally your core directories are also in solr.home, but if you've customized the locations, that may not be true.

In 4.3 and later, the lib directory under the solr home is automatically added to the classpath. Also in that version, if you *do* explicitly include it, it won't work right -- which is what prompted me to file SOLR-4852. The symptoms were that the jars would get loaded (twice, actually), but the classes were not actually available.


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