Thanks a lot, Shawn! I was missing an ICU jar as a part of my original
setup. I then copied the analysis jars into solr/lib and removed all
reference in solrconfig.xml and it worked like a charm

The permgen space also seems to have reduced significantly


On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 2:41 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 3/4/2014 3:09 PM, KNitin wrote:
>> I did the following as you suggested. I have a lib dir under /mnt/solr/
>> (this is the solr.solr.home dir) and moved all my jars in it. I do not
>> have
>> anySharedLib or lib references in my solr or solrconfig. xml file
>> The jars are not getting loaded for a few custom analyzers I have in the
>> schema.
>> Should I specify anywhere to use /mnt/solr/lib/ as the lib path to use
>> anywhere?
> The solr home is where solr.xml lives.  So if /mnt/solr is that location,
> then that would be where you want solr home to point.  Generally your core
> directories are also in solr.home, but if you've customized the locations,
> that may not be true.
> In 4.3 and later, the lib directory under the solr home is automatically
> added to the classpath.  Also in that version, if you *do* explicitly
> include it, it won't work right -- which is what prompted me to file
> SOLR-4852.  The symptoms were that the jars would get loaded (twice,
> actually), but the classes were not actually available.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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