Hi - did you perhaps update on of those documents?

-----Original message-----
> From:Apoorva Gaurav <apoorva.gau...@myntra.com>
> Sent: Tuesday 17th June 2014 16:58
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: docFreq coming to be more than 1 for unique id field
> Hello All,
> We are using solr 4.4.0. We have a uniqueKey of type solr.StrField. We need
> to extract docs in a pre-defined order if they match a certain condition.
> Our query is of the format
> uniqueField:(id1 ^ weight1 OR id2 ^ weight2 ..... OR idN ^ weightN)
> where weight1 > weight2 > ........ > weightN
> But the result is not in the desired order. On debugging the query we've
> found out that for some of the documents docFreq is higher than 1 and hence
> their tf-idf based score is less than others. What can be the reason behind
> a unique id field having docFreq greater than 1?  How can we prevent it?
> -- 
> Thanks & Regards,
> Apoorva

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