: Currently we are not using SolrJ but are simply interacting with solr with
: json over http, this will change in a couple of months but currently not
: there. As of now we are putting all the logic in query building, using it
: to query solr and then passing on the json returned by it to front end. I
: know this is not the ideal approach, but that's what we have at the moment.
: Hence need a way of deterministically order the result set provided they
: match other search criteria.

wether you are using SOlrJ or not doesn't really change my point at all -- 
you are jumping though all sorts of hoops, and asking solr to jump through 
all sorts of hoops, for a score you don't actaully care about, and isn't 
going ot work perfectly for what you want anyway because of the 
fundemental nature of the inverted index stats, leading you to look for 
even smaller, higher, hoops to try and jump through.

it would be far simpler to just ask for the exact set of N documents you 
wnat from Solr in default order, re-order the resulting documents in the 
magic order you already know and care about, and then give that modified 
response to your front end.


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