> Jiba works best as a solo developer, his lack of leadership skills and 
> refusal to allow Soya to become a democratically-lead project have 
> stopped it from growing beyond his own ideas.
> PySoy is about new people and new ideas.  Jiba should feel honored we're 
> utilizing his code to make it vs raising a battle-cry against it.

Arc, you are free to fork Soya if you want to develop it in a different 
direction than the current one, and I might be proud of that. However, I can 
hardly "feel honored" by the way that you attack both Soya and myself.

You speak about democracy, but I'm not aware of any voting or consensus that 
confirms your direction for Soya development. Is your "democracy" banning 
people from the pysoy IRC channel because they might disagree with you, or 
lying on the pysoy website (is it true that pysoy is *already* used for 
artistic, scientific, and educational software ? It is for Soya, but since 
you've deliberately been breaking compatibility in the past few days...). That 
is not democracy for me.

Hire 1000 Python programmers. Make them work on a patch for using '{}' instead 
of indentation for marking blocks in the Python language (one of this 
language's specificity). Then demand that Guido (Python creator and maintener) 
apply the patch, because you have a numerical majority (the 1000 programmers). 
Do you really think Guido would accept? Refusing is not only his right as 
project leader, but is also part of his task to maintain a sane direction for 
the project.


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