Jiba a écrit :
I think i packaged Soya 0.11 (i'm not sur at all, i write this mail on my laptop without any possibility to verify this information). I'd really like to package Balazar Brother (as well as Balazar too), but i face a recurrent problem dealing with sound support : music/sound awfully crackles and game is then almost unplayable. I think the problem comes from the duo Soya/pysdl_mixer (maybe a threading problem), but i didn't really test it deeply.

I'm going to investigate this further...

It may be due to a threading problem ; can you try it by replacing 0.0001 by 
e.g. 0.1 in line 52 in balazar_brothers/game_interface.py ?
The game should be REALLY slow, but is the sound right ?


I replaced the 0.0001 value with 0.1 and it produces no change : sound is always awfull to my ears. Note that i tested all .ogg files with pysdl_mixer ALONE and that musics/sounds are right. Problem occurs only when pysdl_mixer is used with Soya.


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