G'day. I'd give detailed help on this but I'm currently in military
and unable to access any of my files or similiar. But I'll try to give
some pointers..

> The (probobaly) easy one: For things like selection of multiple units,
> it'd be nice to draw a 2d rectangle on the screen. Is there a way to do
> this, short of some horrible abuses of the widget system? Something like
> "drawPixel(x, y, color)"?

Making your own opengl drawing calls is prolly the best option. Check
out the laser tutorial, think it was made with GL_LINES.

> The probobaly harder one: For some purposes, it might be nice to
> highlight a portion of the ground (think about the "unit selection"
> rings on the ground around a selected unit or highlighting the area that
> will be occupied by a building on the ground).

How about simply increasing the ambient lighting of the ground
triangles affected? Same would go with affected units.

> The third thing: I can get the mouse coords translated to 3d coords, but
> I have to supply a z coordinate. I haven't been able to find anything
> similiar where I can supply the y coordinate. Do I really have to get
> the 3d coords for 2 different z values, and calculate the 3d coords for
> a given y value from that?

Not sure why you would want to do this, z is depth, 2d coords don't
have depth, so you can't affect it by moving the mouse.

Mright, gotta run now. Welcome aboard anyway!

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