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Lunpa, The wrote:
> Code obfuscation or writting the sensative bits in C/C++/pyrex would
> work, but in the former, if you're putting that much effort into
> making it so people can't reverse engineer/see your code, you might
> aswell do it in a compiled language, like C.
> For the latter case, its probably better just to write the whole thing in C.

Yup. But people are still "creative" in "protecting" their code.
Ultimately, the code could be recovered from disassembled machine code too.

> The liscense choice in this case is entirely asthetic;
> If you take this entirely upon appearances, soya is ideally a modern,
> "avant-garde" 3d engine.
> GPL3 is the new and improved hardcore opensource liscense.
> Its not going to hurt anyone if GPL3 is used, and it seems to be more
> in the spirit of soya to do so anyway.

I object a bit to this approach - choosing/changing a license based on
what is "modern" or "hardcore" or "in the spirit" is very dangerous. You
are not buying a house based on the color of the walls only and neither
a car based on whether it has round or rectangular headlights ...

What if the "spirit" or the notion of "modern" changes in few years? You
will be stuck with this license for a good while and it may be actually
next to impossible to track down the contributors in few years to ask
for permission if you want to make another change to fix your possible
mistake or to address needs that didn't exist now. Better think twice
now than regret it later.

Again, I am not against or for the change, but something like this is
not and cannot really be an argument here, IMO. So far I have seen
precious little analysis on what would be actually the advantages
(patent protection?) or disadvantages (compatibility with other code?)
of changing the license. Once that happens, then we are actually talking
to the point ...



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