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Hi Julian,

Julian Oliver wrote:
> hi Jan,
> i never said it did. refer to my previous email. the GPLv3 protects
> users of GPLv3 licensed code engaging other users in patent litigations
> for infringing inventions they have filed implicating that same code:

Exactly. However, that was hard to understand from your mail - you are
illustrating the need by talking about 3rd party patents of companies
having nothing to do with GPL-ed code.

> ie. i'm not talking about 3rd party protection against patents at all; 
> that is nothing short of impossible. i'm talking about protecting against 
> fellow users of the given licensed code exerting control over the use of 
> that same code with software patents, as outlined specifically in Section 
> 10 of the GPLv3 license.

OK,  good.

> please read my previous email before expounding at whim.

Sorry for the tone, however, your point was not at all obvious from your
mail - you say:

"in other words, if you really want to avoid restricting your user-base
in the long term, choose a license that protects the code from users
that wish to file patent litigation against other users of that same code."

So far so good, but then you start speaking about bad, but irrelevant
3rd party patents (Blizzard, the Crazy Taxi patent with the car, etc).
That confused me.

> as yet you have not provided any reason as to why Soya3D /shouldn't/ be
> released under the GPLv3 yet seem to have some reservations regarding
> this. i look forward to hearing specific reservations against a move
> from GPLv2 to GPLv3.

I am *not* advocating neither against nor for it - I have too little
stake in Soya to have a relevant opinion. I replied to your mail only
because it seemed to me that you are advocating GPL v3 as a magic
solution for the patent threat or that you are interested in political
statement against patents but misunderstanding the mechanism how it
works in GPL. That is a dangerous approach to take, but the point seems
to be moot now.



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