hi Jan,

..on or around Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 08:49:17PM +0100, Jan Ciger said:
> Hash: SHA1
> Julian Oliver wrote:
> > this is where the GPLv3's 'intolerant' and 'restrictive' stance is
> > sane, and i would argue, necessary in these cannibalistic times.
> > 
> > don't forget also that patent offices are legal enterprises in their
> > own right: they want to widen the scope of what's considered
> > patentable in order to widen their wallets. this is precisely why
> > America is starting to see patents on things like narrative
> > structures, musical forms, videogame designs, the smell of fresh
> > bread etc..
> > 
> > here's some reccommended reading:
> > 
> This means, that adoption of GPL v3 doesn't give you ANY magic
> protection against 3rd-party patents at all. 

i never said it did. refer to my previous email. the GPLv3 protects
users of GPLv3 licensed code engaging other users in patent litigations
for infringing inventions they have filed implicating that same code:

>>choose a license that protects the code from users that wish to file
>>patent litigation against other users of that same code.

ie. i'm not talking about 3rd party protection against patents at all; 
that is nothing short of impossible. i'm talking about protecting against 
fellow users of the given licensed code exerting control over the use of 
that same code with software patents, as outlined specifically in Section 
10 of the GPLv3 license.

> While I agree with your sentiment on software patents and their general
> stupidity and threat to software development, please, do educate
> yourself how the license actually works. It is fairly dangerous to make
> important decisions only on ideology and hear-say.

i'm quite clear as to how it works. 

please read my previous email before expounding at whim.

as yet you have not provided any reason as to why Soya3D /shouldn't/ be
released under the GPLv3 yet seem to have some reservations regarding
this. i look forward to hearing specific reservations against a move
from GPLv2 to GPLv3.


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