Jan Pazdziora wrote:
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 02:33:47PM -0400, Jeff Ortel wrote:
Note: I don't really care about the actual format, so I'm not voting
against the format per se (apart from the trailing spaces it seems to
introduce). We can put together some coding guidelines and use them
for new code.
What's the problem with trailing spaces?

$ git apply --whitespace=error /tmp/web_user_site_type.patch /tmp/web_user_site_type.patch:24: trailing whitespace. type CHAR(1) NOT NULL /tmp/web_user_site_type.patch:25: trailing whitespace. CONSTRAINT wust_type_pk PRIMARY KEY, fatal: 2 lines add whitespace errors.

Really?  git apply can't handle lines w/ trailing white spaces?  Hm....
Ok, we can make sure they're removed.

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