
The outcome of the meeting yesterday regarding the pgsql branch review is as 

After lengthy discussion it was decided (almost unanimously by attendance) that 
the work
on the pgsql branch would be merged to master without refactoring the commits.  
was general agreement that the concerns and objections raised about doing this 
had a lot
of merit.  However, they did not justify the effort required to re-implement 
work that has
already been completed.

Pending resolution of the following content related comments and assuming no 
new issues
are raised, the branch will be merged to master.  Merge vs cherry pick, not 
sure which is
best.  Thoughts anyone?

Content related concerns to be addressed before merging pgsql to master:

* Trailing white space needs to be removed.

   I will trim the trailing white spaces.

* Packaging of upgrade scripts needs to be resolved.

   I committed a change to pgsql branch that will *undo* the proposed changes
   to the packaging and installation of the upgrade scripts.  They will be 
   in same place and have the same form as before.  This means that initially,
   upgrades will only be for oracle installs.  After the dust settles on the 
   to master we will revisit the upgrades.

* Replacing the named NOT NULL constraints in the common tables (.sql) files
   with simple NOT NULL keywords.

   - Concern about the upgrade scripts.

     Using "ALTER TABLE <table> MODIFY <column> NULL;"
     instead of:
     "ALTER TABLE <table> DROP CONSTRAINT <constraint name>;" to make a column
     nullable in all future upgrade scripts will handle this.

   - The change causes problems in the upgrade verification scripts because the
     named NOT NULL constraints will be squawked as missing.

     Unfortunately, when looking at user_constraints, the constraint_type=R
     is for both CHECK constraints and NOT NULL constraints.  But, the 
     can easily be used to ignore NOT NULL constraints.  Validation that the 
column is
     NOT NULL, can be done by matching the nullable column in user_tab_columns 
     validating a table's columns. I believe the effort to tweak the upgrade 
     scripts will be much less then reworking the common tables (.sql) files to 
     the named NOT NULL constraints.

* Did I miss anything?

Testing before merge to master:

* Get a clean validation report from the upgrade validation script(s) to 
  the equivalence between a DB created from master install and a DB
  created installed from pgsql.

* Run automated testing on spacewalk installed from pgsql.  Can this be done?

* Other suggestions?

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