On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 05:48:54PM +0100, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
| Dear all - this is my first go at installing Spamassassin and I get
| stuck in the 'make' procedure. It results in:
|   /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lndbm

| I have tried to look around for this error and what it might be
| missing,

The error means that there is no "libndbm.so" on your system.  

| but had little success. My system is Debian Potato (I know there is
| a package for Woody/Sid, but upgrading is not an issue here).

I think you mean that upgrading is not an option.

| Any pointer or hint is much appreciated!

On my box (woody/sid mix and win2k), the only place a file with "ndbm"
in the name is found is a header in /usr/include/db1 and a header and
test program in cygwin.

The header file is from the 'libc6-dev' package.  Perhaps that linker
option is not correct for a debian system?  Duncan would know about
that, or check the diff (on packages.debian.org).



How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
        1 John 3:1 

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