On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Michael Geier wrote:

[... original message elided by poster ...]

> Maybe some people are taking my recommendation a little to strongly.
> In answer to your points:
> [1]If you belong to a list that does it, put them in your whitelist (in my 
> opinion, any list you belong to should be in a whitelist anyway).

That's all nice and all, except that the main reason I use spamassassin
is to get rid of spam that comes via mailing lists, which is the main
way /I/ get spam. If you don't, that's nice. :)

> [2] I frankly don't understand the point of that one...

What, that marking messages as spam for people who can't get the replies
any other way?  That's a little harsh.

I have worked in several situations where I /was/ one of these people,
and where various people and systems who assumed that the "Reply-To"
header was meaningless prevented me seeing any response...

> [3] If people need control over where the replies are sent, is it
> impossible to have the original message sent from the same domain? 

Yes. It's impossible for me to make the addresses, say,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, be at the same domain.

> Whoever heard of a mail server you could retrieve from, but couldn't
> send from, 

I have, and that's half the point of the objection. I know people who
need this and use it daily, and I have worked in that situation.

> or at least that SMTP and POP3/IMAP weren't in the same domain?

I often send mail from one domain, through an SMTP server there, and
access email delivered to another. Really. 


The world would be a better place if Larry Wall had been born in
Iceland, or any other country where the native language actually
has syntax.
        -- Peter da Silva

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