On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Daniel Quinlan wrote:

> Bart Schaefer writes:
> > That doesn't matter.  The *GPL* says that I can't include my GPL'd
> > code in any other work that is not GPL'd.  Even if SA's license says
> > it's OK, I'm contradicting my own license if I do so.
> You don't need license code you own to yourself.  If you own the code,
> you can do whatever you want.

"My own license" in the excerpt above doesn't mean the license I have, it
means "the license terms that I have chosen to impose" when distributing
something to a third party.  I would have thought that was clear from the 
context that you elided.

> > Quoth the GPL: "... it is not the intent of this section to claim rights
> > or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent
> > is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
> > collective works based on the Program."
> > 
> > Note in particular: "control," not "ensure."
> If you can't control the distribution, you can't ensure anything.

That's entirely non sequitur.  As is this:

Say "Hi" to Bob Glickstein if you see him around Transmeta somewhere.

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