I did a quick check of the email I've received since setting up DCC support
and the results are impressive:

Total spam messages received: 109
Listed in DCC: 50 (46%)
Listed in Razor: 41 (38%)
Listed in both: 25 (23%)

I had no idea DCC already was in such wide use!

None of the messages I've received from mailing lists during this time has
been listed in DCC, although I'm sure this does happen with higher-volume

I'm going to raise the DCC score to 3.0 myself, since my threshold is 7.0
and I whitelist all of my mailing lists. This will supplement Razor nicely.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people."
                -- Arthur Schopenhauer

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