On Wed, 1 May 2002, Daniel Rogers wrote:

> I find this quite interesting, beucase it gives and example of how
> ineffective some of the rules have become.  (NIGERIAN_SCAM, for example)

There are a couple of things to note about this analysis:

(1) It doesn't account for duplication.  If you got the same spam 5000
times, whatever rules it triggered will show up proportionately in the
counts.  This doesn't accurately reflect the effectiveness of the rule in
*identifying* the spam -- unless you've already de-duped your archive?

(2) It doesn't account for rules that appear in combination.  CLICK_BELOW
doesn't score anywhere near 5 all by itself; it's only as effective as the
other rules that matched with it.

So about all you could say from just this analysis is that rules that were
never hit could possibly be deleted.


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