Bart Schaefer wrote:

BS> I've been running the CVS version with DCC included since yesterday and
BS> have yet to see a single DCC hit.  (Perhaps there's something else I don't
BS> have set up, that I need?)

Well, you have to download and install DCC itself...  Otherwise should be

BS> Since we're comparing rule effectiveness, I scanned my archive of spams
BS> (which I keep on a 14 day rotation) and counted the number of times a
BS> rule appeared in the tests= portion of X-Spam-Status.  I had hits on 229
BS> distinct rules; here are the ones that appeared in more than 5% of the
BS> 657 spams I got in those 14 days:
BS>                CTYPE_JUST_HTML =>  446 (69.15%)
BS>             LINES_OF_YELLING_2 =>   33 (5.12%)
BS> I haven't yet checked to see how well that correlates with the scores that
BS> the GA assigned to each rul

You can see the frequencies of rule hits for both spam and nonspam corpuses used
by the GA as an attachment on bugzilla #143



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