> > Would someone please enlighten me on dependencies / pre-requisites
> > for installation in FreeBSD. The 'official' documentation isn't
> > explicit about this stuff .... eg 'procmail' is mentioned but without
> > whether or not its essential, & no info provided on whether GNUmake is
> > required or if standard BSD 'make' is OK.
> I thought we were quite good about it, in the README file!
> procmail is essential *if* you're using (a) SpamAssassin for local
> delivery, (b) not using a milter, and (c) not using a Mail::Audit
> script instead.  So probably yes.
> BSD make is OK, if Perl generally uses it to build Perl modules.
> SpamAssassin is just anotehr Perl module in that respect.
Back to this stuff again  ..... searched high & low but definitely nothing
on this system even vaguely resembling a README file for spamassassin.
I have procmail installed but having major problems comprehending the
setup .... would appreciate info on any 'simple english' HOWTo

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