Chris Santerre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bill Larson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > 1.Spamassassins reads in the message
> > 2. It then stores the original message in two variables
> > 3. In the second variable remove all punctuation, spaces,
> > special encoded characters, foreign language characters, html
> > including html comments, and other methods used for
> > obscufaction.
> This will cause other if people don't space
> properly.Have you seen my pen.Is it on my desk? I cu!NT server
> died today.

I have a client who can NEVER seem to get spacing down. I don't know if he
can't type well or what but he always misses spaces after sentences, never
uses the right punctuation, etc. Much like this example above. I can see a
rule like this reaking havoc on one of his messages.


Colin A. Bartlett
Kinetic Web Solutions

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