On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Jeremy Dold wrote:

> Does someone want to respond to this guy and point out the obvious? 
> http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/11/14/45FEspam_1.html?s=tc

   I haven't been able to properly ascertain the author's various
connections to commercial ventures, but in this instance he does
take a rather "dim view" of Open Source and SpamAssassin in
particular.  The fact that he uses SA 2.44 as his "justification"
that SA is "inferior" proves up either that he (1) had an agenda
to plug or (2) was actually ignorant that the version he was
using is several revs out of date.

   Given that the date of the article is November, 2003 and probably
was written months in advance to make the deadlines he should at the
very least have used 2.55 -- which was a darned good product.  But,
the insisitence of using a year-old (at least) release seems, to me
at least, to point up a need to make a point "in favour" of the
commercial solutions.

   Has anyone else read any of his rather large number of articles?
Is the chap a legitimate technologist or is he merely an apologist
for those willing to pay him his fee?  Not that this is a bad thing,
mind you, he needs to put food on the table too, but willfully mis-
representing something is rather reprehensible.  A quick Google search
pointed up quite a corpus of work, none of which I've had the time
(or, quite honestly, the inclination -- I tend to distrust talking
heads) to read.

| Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | West Boylston       |
| Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
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