On January 15, 2004 01:15 pm, Charles Gregory wrote:
> And if someone STEALS your car, the person who stole it is responsible,
> even if you are unaware of the theft. With insurane being compulsory, in
> some places the laws have been changed so that the owner's insurance
> covers all damages regardless of circumstance, but that is an artifical
> situation created by the nature of insurance, not the actual
> responsibility for owning the car.
> In any event, your analogy is flawed. To match the conditions which you
> think someone should be sued for, that car would have to be used in the
> commission of a bank robbery, and then by your logic the owner of the car
> would be held responsible for all the money stolen?

Here's another analogy, I leave my legally owned and licensed firearm in plain 
view in the fore mentioned car.  Robbers then proceed to steal my big ass gun 
and rob a bank ...  well, you see where this is headed.


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