spamdyke's reject-missing-sender-mx filter only checks the domain name 
of the "envelope sender", which is the sender address given in the SMTP 
protocol.  That address is what's used if the message bounces and it is 
not necessarily the same as the "From address" you see in your mail 
client.  The filter does not check the IP address or rDNS name at all.

It checks for an MX record for the domain or an A record for the machine 
-- either should suffice.  However, due to a bug identified a little 
while back, some specific domains won't pass the filter because of the 
way their DNS records are configured.  In a nutshell, some 
administrators ( have created DNS records that are 
technically legal but logically stupid and they tickle a small bug in 

If this is the same bug, the upcoming version (any day now) will fix 
it.  If you could email the specific server name to me, I'll take a look 
and let you know if it's the same problem or something new.

-- Sam Clippinger

On 5/12/11 8:22 AM, Faris Raouf wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been happily using the DENIED_SENDER_NO_MX option for years with no
> problems.
> Yesterday, however, 24 hours after finally upgrading to 4.2.0 from a
> previous 4.x version (sorry -- not sure which - possibly 4.0.6), I noticed
> an oddity in my logs (redacted to protect the innocent).
> Basically an email from   to
>  was DENIED_SENDER_NO_MX (sending IP's rDNS was
> DOES have an MX record but does
> not.
> I had always thought that the MX lookup applies to and
> not to the rDNS of the sending IP. My logic is that there are legitimate
> reasons why the rDNS on a sending IP might not have an MX record, but no
> really good reason why the actual domain in the From line in the envelope
> would not have an MX record.
> this some sort of a one-off DNS failure, a misunderstanding on my
> part, a bug or none of the above?
> While I'm here, and because I've not posted for years in this group, my
> sincere thanks go to Sam for Spamdyke which has to be the most essential
> add-on for qmail in existence. It is people like you to tip the balance of
> the Internet from lawless and scary to wonderful and magic.
> Thanks,
> Faris.
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