Hi Rob,
Thank you for submitting the request to add the Open Game License v1.0 ("OGL") 
to the SPDX License List.  The SPDX Legal team has evaluated the license and we 
have concluded that we will _not_ add it to the SPDX License List at this time. 
 One major factor for this decision was that the OGL does not appear to have 
the "general attributes of an 'open source' license."  See 

For example, section 7 of the OGL appears to restrict the use of "Product 
Identity" without "another, independent Agreement."  This appears inconsistent 
with the Open Source Definition section 7 "Distribution of License" which 
states "the rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the 
program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional 
license by those parties."  See http://opensource.org/osd. 

As we balance the OSI definition against various factors including SPDX's goals 
and objectives, this does not necessarily foreclose the inclusion of the OGL at 
a later date as explained in the Candidate License Analysis section.  See 

Thank you again for your time in submitting the request.

Alan D. Tse

-----Original Message-----
From: spdx-legal-boun...@lists.spdx.org 
[mailto:spdx-legal-boun...@lists.spdx.org] On Behalf Of Rob Conley
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:39 AM
To: spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org
Subject: New License/Exception Request

Provide a proposed Full Name for the license or exception.
The Open Game License v1.0

Provide a proposed Short Identifier.

Provide a functioning url reference to the license or exception text, either 
from the author or a community recognized source.

Create and attach a text file with the license or exception text from the url 
provided in #3. Please proofread the text file to ensure that:
Attached as OGLv1.txt

Indicate whether the license is OSI-approved [Yes/No]

Provide a short explanation regarding the need for this license or exception to 
be included on the SPDX License List, including identifying at least one 
program that uses this license.
Historically tabletop roleplaying games, like Dungeons & Dragons, have 
attracted the interest of developer in creating utility to supper aspects of 
the game like character creation, creating dungeons, and databases of monsters 
and spells. Unlike computer RPGs these support the activities of a group 
engaged in face to face play.

Starting in 2000 OGL licensed material has had a major influence in the hobby 
and industry inducing various software utilities like PC-Gen
(http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/01_overview.php) The pattern has been to license 
the software under the usual range of software licenses but the data and 
documentation is licensed under the OGL.

Also in addition the list of license that SPDX has setup has several licenses 
listed oriented to documentation rather than focused solely on software. 
Because of this I think the OGL would be a good candidate for inclusion as it 
would be useful to bloggers, authors, and developers to have a clear cut link 
to reference the license.

Thank You
Rob Conley
Bat in the Attic Games.
Spdx-legal mailing list

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