
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Oben <obenso...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> But seriously, if reST and Sphinx are supposed to be the standard for
> Python documentation, isn't backwards to force shifting API
> documentation out of the docstrings? AFAIK the official Python
> documentation is written mostly outside the source code and I see the
> benefits of this approach as it avoids API generator look-a-like
> documentation. OTH I would guess many projects in the Python world are
> happy with simple API generation, consider the JavaDoc workflow as an
> example. Well, there are tools like epydoc but I would prefer to
> follow the "official" Python documentation conventions and tools. I'm
> quite surprised Sphinx does not spend much attention to
> straightforward API doc generation.

I'm also a bit puzzled by this, and I think we'd greatly benefit from
wider adoption of real reST for all docstrings, including in the
stdlib (honestly the state of docstrings in the stlib is atrocious for
the most part, so almost anything  there will be an improvement).  The
numpy/scipy projects adopted what I think is a very sensible docstring
standard, basically plain reST with some conventions, and so far the
nipy family of projects and ipython at least have also adopted it:


This lets you write simple docstrings like the one in the example:


To parse these you need an extension, which is available with numpy as well:


Since I personally do like fully automatic API coverage (in addition
to well-written, humanly tuned docs), in nipy we have a little API
generator that you are welcome to grab.  It's two files, a short
script you tailor to your project and the module that does the real
work, that should be completely project-independent:



It's used by a little bit of code in the 'api' rule of the makefile:


I've posted this here before and others have found it useful, it lets
a project produce full API docs automatically.  With numpy markup in
the docstrings, they are very readable in raw text (such as with
ipython's foo?) and yet they produce quite civilized html/pdf in the
end, e.g:


The numpy doc standard may not be perfect, but many of us find that
it's a very good compromise between plaintext readability and final
doc generation quality (the :param: style of docstring is very
annoying for users to read in plaintext).



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