Ok, let's reopen this thread in a year or so and check the then
current situation of docstrings in the wild :)

On Oct 5, 11:47 pm, Fernando Perez <fperez....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Oben <obenso...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > @Fernando: Do you know if integrating the numpy doc extension into
> > Sphinx is in discussion or already in progress?
> I don't think it's happened yet, though I only joined this list very
> recently.  But I'm pretty sure nobody in numpy would be opposed to it,
> we've always talked informally about it being nice if all the various
> extensions we have floating around got upstreamed, it's just a matter
> of making it happen.
> If there's interest from the sphinx devs, I'm happy to drop a line on
> the numpy list about it, to query in case someone has any more plans
> or thoughts on the matter.
> Honestly I think the numpy standard is quite acceptable, and I'd love
> it if more and more projects adopted it.  It came to be after a fair
> amount of discussion on the numpy list, so even if not perfect
> (nothing is), I think it's a very reasonable solution to the problem,
> and one that's already at least used by: numpy, scipy, ipython
> (partly, we still have a bunch of epydoc leftovers), nipy (including
> the core nipy code and the 'children' projects nipype and nitime).  I
> haven't checked, but I wouldn't be surprised if several of the scikits
> also use it.
> Cheers,
> f
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