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Chris Collins wrote:
> Good idea. In case you're not familiar, Java has an automatic
> documentation feature called JavaDoc.

I used Java from around its 1.0 days and consequently am very familiar with
Javadoc.  It was the first time a mainstream language had a single syntax
and convention for doing doc with source.  (Yes other languages had
something similar, but they were never arguably mainstream.  I don't think
Java had anything unique - it was mainly a repackaging of lots of other
pre-existing techniques but happened at the right time.)

> I guess I could try to write a program to parse the JavaDocs 

You don't need to have actual Javadoc in your code.  Here is an example of
what I do:


A processor just finds all comments that begin with /** at column one and
extracts them.  Note how the comments are in sphinx/rst format already.

> So copy/paste will have to do for now, I suppose.

My point is that you can you automate the copy/paste.

> Not sure what you mean by "run it through an indent tool", though.

If your formatting is consistent then your automation can just follow that.
 For example in my case you can see the relevant comments start in column 1.
 I have some other code that also knows the functions are named like
Object_method, also starting in column 1 so they can easily play with the
source without having to use a full blown parser.

The point of indent is that if your code is not consistent then running
indent on it will make the formatting consistent, saving you a lot of hassle.

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