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Am 27.02.2010 01:42, schrieb Roger Binns:
> Chris Collins wrote:
>> Good idea. In case you're not familiar, Java has an automatic
>> documentation feature called JavaDoc.
> I used Java from around its 1.0 days and consequently am very familiar with
> Javadoc.  It was the first time a mainstream language had a single syntax
> and convention for doing doc with source.  (Yes other languages had
> something similar, but they were never arguably mainstream.  I don't think
> Java had anything unique - it was mainly a repackaging of lots of other
> pre-existing techniques but happened at the right time.)
>> I guess I could try to write a program to parse the JavaDocs 
> You don't need to have actual Javadoc in your code.  Here is an example of
> what I do:
>   http://code.google.com/p/apsw/source/browse/src/connection.c#232
> A processor just finds all comments that begin with /** at column one and
> extracts them.  Note how the comments are in sphinx/rst format already.
>> So copy/paste will have to do for now, I suppose.
> My point is that you can you automate the copy/paste.

And I think that is as automated as you can get at the moment, with Java.
The idea of autodoc was really that Sphinx can import these modules, and
inspect the objects they contain, though in later versions a source analyzer
has been added for some documentation that helps with e.g. documentation in
comments.  Something like the latter is possible to be written for Java as
an extension similar to autodoc.  But someone else will have to do that :)

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