On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:21, David <dwarnol...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
> All,
> It seems that MathJax (mathjax.org) is going to replace jsMath. It is
> supported by the AMS, SIAM, and Design Science, among others. I am
> particularly interested because it can generate MathML that can be
> read by screen readers for the visually impaired.
> So, my question, can we get Sphinx to work with MathJax?

Coincidentally, this is exactly what I was working on today.

Here is my contribution to Sphinx, I would be happy if it can be
improved on and added to the core set of extensions.  It should be a
drop-in replacement for jsmath  or pngmath; edit your conf.py file as
described below to use it.


I took the Sphinx 'jsmath.py' extension under /sphinx/ext/jsmath.py
and merely modified it, as appropriate, to make it work with MathJax,


* The extension is available here:
or available from here (easier to copy/paste or wget):
* In your ``conf.py`` file, replace 'sphinx.ext.pngmath' or
'sphinx.ext.jsmath' with 'mathjax'
* Ensure the directory containing the above "mathjax.py" file is in


Similar to the builtin jsmath Sphinx extension, you must specify the
path to your webserver's ``MathJax.js`` file.  In your ``conf.py``
file, please add a line, similar to:

mathjax_path = '/MathJax/MathJax.js'

which will be added to the <script> section of the Sphinx HTML output.

To compare this extension to the 'pngmath' extension, please open
these two links side-by-side:

* Using pngmath: http://connectmv.com/mathjax-extension/with-pngmath.html
* Using the new mathjax extension:

These two pages used the RST code from the Sphinx documentation
(http://sphinx.pocoo.org/latest/ext/math.html).  Please note, I can't
explain the reason for the missing equation numbers in mathjax.

Hope this extension helps.  I will be rolling this out to my other
websites shortly, so I can't claim it is "production-ready" just yet.
Feedback welcome.
Kevin Dunn

Of interest:  MathJax looks for any \( ... \)  delimiters in the HTML
code to denote in-line mathematics, while either \[  ...  \]  or $$
.... $$ denote display-style math.   These are the default settings
for MathJax.  If you have configured your MathJax script to use other
delimiters (http://www.mathjax.org/docs/options/tex2jax.html), then
these two additional options must be set in your conf.py.  You DO NOT
need to set these if you use an "out-of-the-box" installation of

For example, you might have set the config settings MathJax.js to use
"$" for in-line math and "$$" for display-style math.  Then in your
``conf.py`` file you must set the same values:

   mathjax_inline = ['$', '$']   # default setting in mathjax.py is:
[r'\(', r'\)']
   mathjax_display = ['$$', '$$']  # default setting in mathjax.py is:
 [r'\[', r'\]']

> David Arnold
> College of the Redwoods
> Eureka, CA 95501

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