On 07/12/10 Guenter Milde said:

> A latex log alone is usually not enought to find the problem. Could you
> provide a minimal working example? (i.e. the smallest possible document
> that shows this error as both, rst source and latex source)
> Then we can experiment with it and try to find a solution.

Sure, I'll work on that.

> I actively work on the Docutils latex writer. Unfortunately, Sphinx does
> not use the "upstream" writer for LaTeX (while, e.g., the Docutils HTML
> writer is used for HTML). In my view, the long term solution should be to
> get the Docutils latex2e writer to work with Sphinx.

Sounds reasonable.

> I offer to cooperate in making the necessary changes to let Sphinx use
> the Docutils "latex2e" writer -- I expect this to be a nontrivial task
> with lots of discussion, decisions, and changes on both sides involved to
> get a "Docutils - Sphinx LaTeX Interface".

Brave man.

Michael P. Soulier <msoul...@digitaltorque.ca>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
--Albert Einstein

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