Thanks for the review. Comments inline @ [RP]

On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 10:00 PM Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.i...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ## Major
> * For a standard track document, IMHO you need to clearly specify the size
> of Replication-ID.
> ````
>    In simplest case, Replication-ID can be a 32-bit number, but it can
>    be extended or modified as required based on specific use of a
>    Replication segment.  When the PCE signals a Replication segment to
>    its node, the <Replication-ID, Node-ID> tuple identifies the segment.
>    Examples of such signaling and extension are described in
>    [I-D.ietf-pim-sr-p2mp-policy].
> ````
> If for some use 32-bit is not enough we need to make sure we have a bigger
> size assigned from the start or have a mechanism for variable size. But
> saying that replication ID size is based on the specific use of the
> replication ID could be problematic IMHO because of the tight coupling with
> the usecase.
> BTW, the reference in the above text (which says Tree-ID is mapped to
> Replication-ID) assumes it is always 32-bits!

[RP] The actual identifier is indeed dependent on the use-case – a simple
32-bit id is sufficient for Ingress Replication use-case whereas for
SR-P2MP tree, the <Root, Tree-ID, Instance-ID> are mapped to the
Replication-ID. The intent of the document is just to define the concept of
Replication Segment and the use cases are specified in detail in other

> * We need to explain what Downstream Replication SID is in the replication
> state. The text says <Downstream Node> represents the reachability but says
> nothing about <Downstream Replication SID>.
[RP] Will add an explanation in the next revision.

> Also Section 2.1 talks of optional segment list which is missing here!
> * The IANA allocation is already made under FCFS, I think what you are
> asking is not a new allocation but the change control to be moved to IETF.
> Thus, please rephrase.
[RP] Will do.

> * I don't think that there is any additional security risk because of the
> replication segment. It can surely be exploited to replicate traffic to be
> sent to an unauthorized party, or incorrectly multiply packets in the
> network etc.
[RP] We meant no additional security considerations beyond those mentioned
in RFCs 8402, 8754 and 8986. There was already a comment earlier about this
- will rephrase in next revision.

> ## Minor
> * I am wondering about the usage of the term "multi-point" on its own -
> usually, it is P2MP or MP2MP, I am unsure about just MP! If it is needed
> maybe a definition can be provided early on.
[RP] P2MP or MP2MP distinguishes unidirectional and bi-directional trees.
Here "multi-point" is referring to a service that reaches multiple

> * The section 1 introduction is very bare. I suggest authors to provide
> some more background.
[RP] Based on an earlier comment, we are going to add a terminology
sub-section to Introduction. What else do you want us to add there?

> * For the bud node, you should state clearly what is the expected
> replication state.
[RP] There was a similar comment by Sasha. Will try to add more

> * Section A.1
> ````
>    Replication segment at R2:
>    Replication segment <R-ID,R2>:
>     Replication SID: R-SID2
>     Replication State:
>       R2: <Leaf>
> ````
> What does R2: <Leaf> indicate? It does not align with the text in section
> 2, which states that there is no replication state for egress nodes.
> Perhaps we need a better description in section 2 for replication state at
> leaf and bud nodes.
[RP] A pure leaf node does not have any replication state, but it still
needs an indicator that it is a leaf node. That is what <Leaf> indicates in
the example.

> ## Nits
> * Update The requirement language with RFC 8174 boilerplate text instead
> of RFC 2119.
[RP] This was also  brought up in an earlier comment. Will fix it in next

> * I think we should avoid writing styles like - "We define a new type.."
[RP] I did not know first person pronouns were prohibited :). Will

> * Expand SRv6, MVPN, EVPN, P2MP, RIR on first use.
[RP] I do not understand what you mean here.

> * Section A.1, what does the "->" in "<R-SID2->L12>" indicate? This should
> be clearly stated in the text.
[RP] This means a packet has to be replicated with outgoing SID R-SIDs and
sent on link L12. Will add an explanation in the next revision.
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