Not quite, but close.

Routers which are not upgraded, and receive packets with the new ethertype, will drop them.  Which theoretically is fine for routers which are not intended to be on SRv6 paths.  Practically, since you want to be able to run the paths where you need them, you probably do need to upgrade all routers to accept and propagate the new ethertype if you want to use this solution.  For some operators, that is a show stopper and they will not use this capabilities.  For others, it is quite deployable, and even helpful in keeping control of what servicces are offered where.



On 3/29/2023 12:00 PM, Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal wrote:
So, using the new ethertype inside a (closed/open) domain would require all IPv6 routers inside the domain to support SRv6 or at least support the new ethertype to check if any IPv6 packet containing an SRH was received with this ethertype? If an IPv6 router supports neither, then one cannot enable this feature on any of its neighbor's interface, right?


On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 5:40 PM Robert Raszuk <> wrote:

    Nope, that is completely not what I have in mind,

    Please remember that transit nodes are not SRv6 aware in closed or
    open domain, So my site A (car) can be using SRv6 via any IPv6
    transit uplink to my MEC or private DC where services are being
    properly demuxed based on the SID/uSID.

    If you close this date plane option by new ethertype my car is

    So I am not sure who is  "incredibly naive" here or perhaps to put
    it a bit more politely who does not understand the power of new


    On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 5:02 AM Mark Smith
    <> wrote:

        On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 at 22:46, Robert Raszuk
        <> wrote:
        > Guys,
        > What you are really saying here is that the concept of using
        network programmability should be killed and we should get
        stuck for decades to come with closed domains only innovation.
        > I find it quite disturbing especially as we are talking
        about Internet Engineering Task Force produced standards here.
        > Yes it has been derailed {not to say hijacked} into
        standardization of private extensions for various protocols
        which are limited to closed domains as the technology of new
        forwarding paradigm called MPLS simply by design was not
        applicable to be deployed in the open Internet. But that
        should not mean we should get stuck with this till new
        generation understands mistakes made and moves forward,
        > It is obvious that those who invested heavily in MPLS will
        fight to protect it no matter what. But new technologies and
        services are being deployed over SRv6 using native IPv6
        dataplane. Examples are mobile nodes which move from network
        to network.
        > Is this closed domain - no by any means. Is it working today
        - yes pretty well.
        > So proposing a new ethertype for SRv6 today seems to be
        comparable to putting a stick into the wheels of a cool
        bicycle starting to gain speed.

        If you believe one network operator is going to let another
        operator program the first network operator's network, then I
        you're incredibly naive about how the multi-party Internet is
        and the security and availability concerns network operators have.

        > Respectfully to all td-srv6 authors and cheerleaders,
        > Robert
        > On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 1:58 AM Tony Przygienda
        <> wrote:
        >> Though I would like to cheer for Kireeti's 2. as well I
        think the point of SHOULD is more realistic (for now) as Joel
        points out ...
        >> As to ethertype, I think grown-ups in the room were since
        long time drily observing that a new IP version would have
        been appropriate after enough
        were performed with drafts whose authors' list length
        sometimes rivaled pages of content ;-)  I think this ship has
        sailed and that's why after some discussions with Andrew we
        went the ether type route as more realistic. Additionally,
        yes, lots encaps (not encodings) carrying SRv6 should get new
        codepoints if we are really serious about trusted domains here.
        >> And folks who went the MPLS curve know that none of this is
        new, same curve was walked roughly (though smoother, no'one
        was tempted to "hide label stack in extension headers" ;-) and
        it would go a long way if deploying secure SRv6 becomes as
        simple as *not* switching on "address family srv6" on an
        interface until needed and then relying on BGP-LU (oops ;-) to
        build according lookup FIBs for SRv6 instead of going in
        direction of routers becoming massive wildcard matching and
        routing header processing firewalls ...
        >> --- tony
        >> On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 4:33 PM Kireeti Kompella
        <> wrote:
        >>> On Mar 28, 2023, at 11:24, Adrian Farrel
        <> wrote:
        >>> [Spring cc’ed because, well, you know, SR. I wonder
        whether 6man and 6ops should care as well.]
        >>> SPRING cc’ed because, you know, replying to Adrian’s
        email.  Agree that 6man and 6ops [sh|w]ould be interested.
        >>> tl;dr
        >>> I think this is a good initiative and worth discussion. Thanks
        >>> for the draft.
        >>> Agree.  In particular:
        >>> 1. There is an acknowledged security problem. Might be
        worth summarizing, as it is central to this draft, but an
        example is in rfc 8402/section 8. Section 3 of this draft
        (“The SRv6 Security Problem”) doesn’t actually describe the
        security problem; Section 5 does, briefly.
        >>> 2. The solution (using a new EtherType, SRv6-ET) is a good
        one.  It’s sad that this wasn’t done from the get-go, as the
        solution is a bit “evil bit”-ish.  I’d prefer to see ALL SRv6
        packets (i.e., those containing SRH) use SRv6-ET.  Boundary
        routers SHOULD drop packets with SRv6-ET that cross the
        boundary in either direction; all routers MUST drop packets
        with SRH that don’t have SRv6-ET. Yeah, difficult, but the
        added security is worth it.
        >>> 3. Ease of secure deployment is a major consideration;
        this draft is a big step in that direction.
        >>> 4. As Adrian said, several nits.  Will send separately to
        >>> Kireeti
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