On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 4:17 AM Nikola Radovanovic <nikola...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a need to use PostGIS extension in order to get support for objects 
> like Point and Polygon provided by geoalchemy2 in PostgreSql.
> Now, the issue I encounter is that while migrating model which uses 
> Point/Polygon (classes derived from UserDefinedType) - geoalchemy2 tries to 
> create index for those although I dont set index=True when declaring 
> properties in model; nor I have instruction to create it in migration script. 
> Is there a way to 'override' this behavior somehow - like setting index to 
> true in definition and manually add index creation in migration script? Or at 
> least to find out where this request comes from, so I can track this further?

My first impression is that if geoalchemy2 is creating indexes that go
along with datatypes, they should allow this to be customizable.    Is
geoalchemy2 still maintained?  you should at least see if they can
support a flag to turn this off if someone wants to customize things.

I haven't looked at the GIS stuff in years but what are these indexes
that you don't want which ga2 needs to create?     If you just need a
simple datatype insturction, I would just skip using the ga2 types in
your migration script and just use a simple UserDefinedType that you
make yourself which emits POINT/POLYGON whatever in your migration
script, you just need that string name if you don't need anything
else.  All the other things that ga2 does involve expression activity
which you also don't need in migration scripts.

> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards
> --
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