On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:15 PM Nikola Radovanovic <nikola...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> you are right: I found that geoalchemy2 automatically creates indexes; which 
> I eventually turned off in model, using e.g.
> polygon = Column(Geometry(geometry_type='POLYGON', srid=3857, 
> spatial_index=False))
> and adding them manually to migration script:
> sa.Column('polygon', Geometry(geometry_type='POLYGON', srid=3857, 
> spatial_index=False), nullable=True)
> op.create_index(op.f('id_tenant_schema_Locations_inhabitant_polygon'), 
> 'Locations', ['polygon'], unique=False, postgresql_using='gist', 
> schema='tenant_schema')
> This works apparently. Only thing I am unsure is this part:
> postgresql_using='gist'
> Can you please tell me if this is OK - I need to specify 'gist' when creating 
> index and not sure did I set it properly.

if it was accepted and created the DDL you wanted then it's right!
I don't have much experience with the USING thing in PG other than how
to make it render :)

> ga2 latest release is 6 or 7 months old, so I think they are alive. What 
> helped me greatly is this from their issue list (its still open)
> Best regards
> --
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