OK I managed to get some logging (it seems my alembic env.py was missing 
the fileConfig(config.config_file_name)). But still I'm not getting what i 

Basically i want a long entry for every single operation in the migration 
script. And this, if possible, without having to add log statements all 
over the place. Is that possible ? 

On Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 12:54:56 PM UTC-5, doi zece wrote:
> I've tried that already but with no success.  I also tried to change the 
> alembic version (move to the latest one) as initially i was on a 0.8.x . 
> Still no luck.
> The only way that i manage to make it print someting in the console was to 
> add print statement in the script.   
> This is the current state of my alembic.ini file relevant to alembic  
> configuration:
> [alembic]
> script_location = bolt/core/db/migrations
> [loggers]
> keys = root,tornado,server,sqlalchemy,alembic,httpclient,cookies
> [handlers]
> keys = file,http,console
> [formatters]
> keys = detailed
> [handler_console]
> class = StreamHandler
> args = (sys.stdout,)
> formatter = detailed
> level = NOTSET
> [handler_file]
> class = FileHandler
> args = ('server.log',)
> formatter = detailed
> level = NOTSET
> [handler_http]
> class = FileHandler
> args = ('http.log',)
> formatter = detailed
> level = NOTSET
> [logger_root]
> level = DEBUG
> propagate = 0
> handlers = file, console
> [logger_tornado]
> level = DEBUG
> qualname = tornado
> propagate = 0
> handlers = file, console
> [logger_sqlalchemy]
> level = WARN
> handlers = file, console
> qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
> [logger_alembic]
> level = INFO
> handlers = file, console
> qualname = alembic
> [logger_httpclient]
> level = INFO
> qualname = tornado.curl_httpclient
> handlers = http, console
> [logger_server]
> level = DEBUG
> qualname = webserver
> propagate = 0
> handlers = file, console
> [logger_cookies]
> level = CRITICAL
> qualname = cookies
> propagate = 0
> handlers = file, console
> [formatter_detailed]
> format = [%(name)s] %(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d: 
> %(message)s
> On Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 9:50:10 AM UTC-5, Mike Bayer wrote:
>> the --verbose flag is only used for a command like "alembic history" to 
>> provide more detail.    to see Alembic doing its work you want to enable 
>> logging.  in the ini file (see 
>> https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/tutorial.html#editing-the-ini-file) 
>> <https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/tutorial.html#editing-the-ini-file>
>> you want to set [logger_sqlalchemy] level to INFO or DEBUG.  this will show 
>> you every SQL statement emitted which should give you an idea of the one 
>> that is hanging.   DROP TABLE is a likely culprit as many databases won't 
>> allow this if there are open transactions accessing that table.
>> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020, at 8:10 AM, doi zece wrote:
>> n one of the python projects I'm working on we are using alembic to 
>> handle the DB migration scripts. Lately he had an incident when container 
>> ,in which alembic upgrade head is running, got stucked ( by some locks on 
>> the DB set the the runtime app) and eventually timed out without giving any 
>> details of what was going on. Finally we managed to get access to prod DB 
>> (which under normal circumstances we are not allow to access. this is 
>> something imposed by our cloudops team, for security reasons). So in order 
>> to eas our debugging process, i would like to enable verbose mode when 
>> calling "alembic upgrade head", this without having to add a tone of logs 
>> on top of the migration scripts.
>> I found that --verbose flag is accepted for some alembic operations, but 
>> for some reasons "alembic upgrade head" doesn't allow it.
>> *usage: alembic [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-n NAME] [-x X] [--raiseerr] 
>> {branches,current,downgrade,edit,heads,history,init,list_templates,merge,revision,show,stamp,upgrade}
>> ... alembic: error: unrecognized arguments: --verbose*
>> This is the call generating the error above: *alembic upgrade head 
>> --verbose*
>> Any idea on how I can enable verbosity on upgrade?
>> Thanks
>> --
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