n one of the python projects I'm working on we are using alembic to handle 
the DB migration scripts. Lately he had an incident when container ,in 
which alembic upgrade head is running, got stucked ( by some locks on the 
DB set the the runtime app) and eventually timed out without giving any 
details of what was going on. Finally we managed to get access to prod DB 
(which under normal circumstances we are not allow to access. this is 
something imposed by our cloudops team, for security reasons). So in order 
to eas our debugging process, i would like to enable verbose mode when 
calling "alembic upgrade head", this without having to add a tone of logs 
on top of the migration scripts.

I found that --verbose flag is accepted for some alembic operations, but 
for some reasons "alembic upgrade head" doesn't allow it.

*usage: alembic [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-n NAME] [-x X] [--raiseerr] 
... alembic: error: unrecognized arguments: --verbose*

This is the call generating the error above: *alembic upgrade head 

Any idea on how I can enable verbosity on upgrade?


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