
I want to make a relation such that.. i have users post some
articles.. and can link them as relatd to other articles.

I have the Article table like this:
articles = Table('articles', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('topic', Unicode(256), nullable=False),
    Column('rank', Integer),
    Column('content', Unicode, nullable=False),

And I have a related articles association table like this:

articles_related_articles =
   Column('article_id', Integer, ForeignKey('articles.id'),
index=True, nullable=False),
    Column('related_id', Integer, nullable=False),
    Column('bias', SmallInteger, default=0),

So, if article 1 is related to article 2.. then there should be two
rows in the articles_related_articles table like:
> 1 2 0
> 2 1 0

This is how I make the relation mapping in SA:

mapper(ArticleRelatedArticle, articles_realted_articles,
       properties={'article': relation(Article),}

assign_mapper(context, Article, articles,
     'related': relation(ArticlesRelatedArticles, cascade="all, delete-
orphan", lazy=True)

I am doing this in the shell, but its not working as expected. I dont
see those two rows created, and related_id is always getting
overrideen to NULL, even though I have it specified while creating the

In [1]: a = Article.select()[0]
In [3]: a.id
Out[3]: 1L
In [4]: b = Article.select()[1]
In [5]: c = ArticlesRelatedArticles(article_id=a.id, related_id=b.id)
In [6]: a.related.append(c)
In [7]: session.flush()
databases/mysql.py:313: Warning: Field 'related_id' doesn't have a
default value

Now, checking the db, this is what I have:
mysql> select * from articles_related_articles;
| articles_id | related_id | bias |
|           1 |          0 |    0 |

can someone help me with what could be wrong with my code?


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