On Jan 15, 2008, at 5:48 AM, Alexandre Conrad wrote:

> Okay, my fault. I was editing the wrong code in my test case  
> concerning
> the "select_from" alternative.
> Let's go back to that new feature from r4060 you've proposed,  
> concerning
> joins directly from classes. Attached is my updated test case.
> If I wanted to join only from classes, I'd suppose we'd have the
> following syntax:
> Media.query.join([Media.catalog, CatalogChannel.id,
> CatalogChannel 
> .channel 
> ]).filter(CatalogChannel.c.id_channel==playlist.id_channel).all()
> This would mean join Media on Catalog, join CatalogChannel on Catalog,
> join CatalogChannel on Channel; WHERE  
> CatalogChannel.c.id_channel==foo.
> This is just an idea, but here the join with "CatalogChannel.id" would
> mean that is need to figure out that PK is also FK to Catalog.

from my understanding , you dont really want to join to CatalogChannel  
at all as a Query-level join, you just want to filter on the  
"id_channel" column as it occurs under the arrangement of Media's  
"catalog" items.  Query.join is meant only for entity-to-entity  
joins.  In this case, Media->catalog is the only entity level join you  

on my workstation here I have it working like such:

select_table = catalog_table.outerjoin(catalog_channel_table)
catalog_mapper = mapper(Catalog, catalog_table,  
select_table=select_table, polymorphic_on=catalog_table.c.type,  
                      cascade="all, delete-orphan",


the commit still needs some cleanup.  and I think it will also work in  
trunk if you use an aliased select for that select_table right now.

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