At 09:45 AM 3/28/2008 -0400, Michael Bayer wrote:
>On Mar 28, 2008, at 12:55 AM, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > Sadly, about the only way for me to implement that without code
> > duplication will be to temporarily change the item's __class__ to a
> > subclass with an empty __init__ method.  Unless there's a way to
> > change the generated __init__ method to take an extra flag or check a
> > per-thread variable to skip the bits you don't want?  What are the
> > bits you don't want run, anyway?  That is, what specifically mustn't
> > happen?
>an end-user's __init__ method is not run when the object is loaded
>from the DB since the ORM is going to populate its state explicitly.
>its for similar reasons that pickle.loads() doesn't call __init__.
>Its a common use case that someone's class needs to be constructed
>differently when it is newly created vs. when it is re-populated from
>the DB.
>The usual method we have of modifying this behavior is to use a
>MapperExtension where you implement create_instance().  Then you can
>build the object any way you want, using __init__, whatever.   Why is
>that not an option here ?  ( or has it just not been mentioned ?)

Because Jason said this:

At 06:08 PM 3/27/2008 -0700, jason kirtland wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > At 02:26 PM 3/27/2008 -0700, jason kirtland wrote:
> >>>> new_instance creates an instance without invoking __init__.  The ORM
> >>>> uses it to recreate instances when loading from the database.
> >>>> new_instance can be added to InstrumentationManager as an extension
> >>>> method... The ORM doesn't care how empty instances are manufactured so
> >>>> long as they can be created without initialization arguments, e.g. a
> >>>> no-arg constructor.
> >>> Does that mean that no attributes must be set from 
> new_instance(), either?
> >> You should be able to set whatever you like there.
> >
> > So...  new_instance() could literally just be a call to
> > 'self.class_()', with no other behavior, as long as the constructor
> > requires no arguments?  The modified __init__ that SA inserts won't
> > be a problem there?
>Sorry, I should have included more detail.  You don't want to trigger
>the logic in SA's __init__ decorator or call the user's __init__.  The
>ORM policy is not to __init__ on load, and will soon support a symmetric
>"__on_load__" type of hook that the ORM can call post-__new__ when
>reconstituting instances.

So, which one of you is right?  :)

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