On Apr 11, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:

> So I tried instead of doing:
> s
> =
> sqlalchemy
> .select
> ([th
> ,sqlalchemy
> .func
> .count
> (th
> )],sqlalchemy
> .and_
> (th
> ==1,th.CODING_DATE=='20080404')).group_by(th.RECORD_NO).execute()
> do this:
> a
> =
> session
> .query
> (th
> ).add_column
> (sqlalchemy
> .func
> .count
> (th
> .c
> ).label
> ')).filter
> (sqlalchemy
> .and_
> (th
> ==1,th.CODING_DATE=='20080325')).group_by(th.RECORD_NO).all()
> or
> a
> =
> session
> .query
> (th
> ).group_by
> (th
> ).filter
> (sqlalchemy.and_(th.APPLIED_TEST==1,th.CODING_DATE=='20080325')).all()

OK, you want a combination of entities and columns.  The SQL being  
issued above is still not what you want.  From a SQL perspective,  
saying session.query(MyClass) is equivalent to saying:

SELECT * from table

I.e., *all* columns from "th" are being added to the columns clause of  
the select.   According to the SQL standard, these names all need to  
be added to the GROUP BY as well - if MS-SQL is allowing only a  
partial GROUP BY list, thats just poor behavior on the part of MS-SQL  
(MySQL has this bug as well).  What this query really looks like is:

SELECT *, count(somecol) FROM table GROUP BY *

where the "*" includes the primary key column of the table, and  
therefore it groups by the full set of columns on the table which  
renders the count() meaningless.

So, the exact analogy to the select statement you're issuing is:


where "_values()" will return an iterator of exactly the columns you  

in the next release of SA, you'll also be able to say  
func.count(th.RECORD_NO)).filter(...).group_by(...).all() to get a  
similar result (and _values() will be named values()).

>  File "sqlalchemy/databases/mssql.py", line 499, in do_execute
>    cursor.execute("SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF" %
> self 
> .identifier_preparer.format_table(context.compiled.statement.table))
> SystemError: 'finally' pops bad exception

This seems to be some weird error either with pyodbc or with the MS- 
SQL dialect, MS-SQL people we've seen this before, correct ?

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