>  > Above statements should result in query like: 'select a,count(a) from
>  > x where b=5,c=6 group by a'
>  >
>  > In order to get ORM object I need to use query. (That is what I get
>  > from reading the sentence I quoted)
>   From the above, what ORM object would you like ?  the one which has
>  "a" as one of its columns ?  if so, the recipe I gave you is the
>  correct approach.
>  > What you emailed below is making a join if I read it correctly, and I
>  > don't think that is what I want.
>  >> sess.query(th).select_from(th_table.join(s,
>  >> th.RECORD_NO==s.c.RECORD_NO)).add_column(s.c.count).all()
>  >>
>  >
>  if you want to select a full row from the table, including its primary
>  key, and you'd like that row to correspond to a particular aggregate
>  query which needs to GROUP BY only part of the columns which does not
>  include the primary key column, you must use a join or subquery to
>  create the aggregate.
>  To illustrate, this is the query you think you want:
>         select *, count(a) from table group by a
>  Why "*" ?  because you say that you want "ORM objects".   The ORM
>  object represents the *full* row, including the primary key, of the
>  table.

It makes sense now. I assumed that ORM object will only return 1
column I group by, and a count. When it returns the full row then my
group_by makes no sense.


ps. The links were really helpful !

>  but again, that query is invalid SQL.    Most SQL-compliant databases
>  will raise an error.   Another article explaining this:  
> http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/jeffs/archive/2007/07/20/60261.aspx
>   .
>  Therefore, the join or subquery is necessary if you wish to GROUP BY
>  only particular columns.

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