this issue is not specific to the recent changes;  this would happen  
even with the old behavior (since exclude_properties was meant to  
mean, "I dont want SQLA to know about this column at all" typically in  
a reflection scenario).  its fixed in r4966.

On Jul 22, 2008, at 7:27 AM, Malthe Borch wrote:

> Michael Bayer wrote:
>> well, i can support this in 0.5 trunk.  in rev 4965, If a descriptor
>> is present on a class, or if the name is excluded via the include/
>> exclude lists, the attribute will not be instrumented via the
>> inherited mapper or via the mapped Table.  So your example works with
>> just the @property alone.
> I've managed to demonstrate the issue in an isolated test (see below).
> The only change from the previous is that I've set a default value.
> This causes SQLAlchemy to *prefetch* the 'col' column, but this throws
> an exception since the column is not mapped.
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> e = create_engine('sqlite://')
> m = MetaData(e)
> t1= Table(
>      't1', m,
>      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>      Column('col', String(50), default=u""),
>      )
> t1.create()
> t2= Table(
>      't2', m,
>      Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True),
>      Column('data', String(50)),
>      )
> t2.create()
> class T1(object):
>      pass
> class T2(T1):
>      @property
>      def col(self):
>          return u"Some read-only value."
> polymorphic = (
>      [T2], t1.join(t2))
> mapper(T1, t1)
> mapper(
>      T2, t2,
>      exclude_properties=('col',),
>      with_polymorphic=polymorphic,
>      inherits=T1,
>      inherit_condition=(,
>      )
> sess = sessionmaker()()
> x = T2()
> assert type(T2.col) is property
> = "some data"
> sess.commit()
> sess.clear()
> assert sess.query(T2).one().data == "some data"
> assert sess.query(T2).one().col == u"Some read-only value."
> x = sess.query(T2).one()
> = "some new data"
> sess.commit()
> assert sess.query(T2).one().data == "some new data"
> >

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