If I try that, I get:

sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) aggregates not
allowed in WHERE clause

The SQL generated is:

SELECT account.accountid AS account_accountid
FROM account
JOIN userinfo ON account.accountid = userinfo.accountid
WHERE count(userinfo.userid) > %(count_1)s
GROUP BY account.accountid

What I'd like is the SA translation of:

SELECT account.accountid, count(users.userid)
FROM account
JOIN users ON account.accountid = users.accountid
GROUP BY account.accountid
HAVING count(users.userid) > 1;

This works:

but it returns an int (I want the full Account object).

However, starting with:
does not because a bunch of the columns loaded as part of Account are
not automatically added to the group by.

This leads me to a possible bug report regarding subquery and .description:

I wanted to start with this:

q0 = s.query(Account.accountid, sa.func.count(User.userid).label('user_count'))

and build on it, but


results in:

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Can't find any foreign key relationships
between 'account' and '%(20357008 anon)s'

and thus, a possible bug:

>>> q0.description
'%(20357008 anon)s'


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