I assumed it was a bug due to the presence of a python-style string


> another option is
> sess.query(Account).filter(Account.id.in_(your subquery)).

When I do it that way, I get crazy SQL and an error. Using
Account.accountid to shorten the SQL:

>>> q0 = 
>>> s.query(Account.accountid).join(Account.users).group_by(Account.accountid).having(sa.func.count(User.userid)>1).subquery()
>>> print sess.query(Account).filter(Account.accountid.in_(q0))
SELECT account.accountid AS account_accountid
FROM account, (SELECT account.accountid AS accountid
FROM account JOIN users ON account.accountid = users.accountid GROUP
BY account.accountid
HAVING count(users.userid) > %(count_1)s) AS anon_1
WHERE account.accountid IN SELECT account.accountid
FROM account JOIN users ON account.accountid = users.accountid GROUP
BY account.accountid
HAVING count(users.userid) > %(count_1)s

What am I doing wrong?


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