
Maybe some better explanation is required from my side for you to be
able to help me better.

My app is basically for doing some plotting, analysis and filtering of
securities on the stock market.

The main class that does most of the work is Security(HasTraitsORM),
where HasTraitsORM is my version of declarative's Base class which
takes care of turning traits (attributes) into correctly typed Columns
for declarative to set up the mapping.

The Security class also handles retrieving historical data from an
hdf5 file which in my opinion is better suited to storing such data in
an hierarchical structure (with added transparent compression).

SQLAlchemy comes into the picture for running queries mostly.  And
storing precomputed values.

For instance, using the above setup, I can add a child class SMAFields
at runtime which computes some simple moving averages of closing
prices.  Once computed this gets stored in its own table with columns
sma10, sma20, sma50, etc. for the different periods.

Using a combination of traits and SA any Security instance then has
some new attributes, sec.sma10 for instance.  Which is either
retrieved from the SMAFields table via SA or computed from methods on
the SMAFields class if needed.

Though the really useful bit is querying:
sess.query(Security).filter(Security.sma10 <= Security.sma20), which
behaves as one would expect.

The idea being that the user can easily add new functions for
computing values from a security's data, and after the new table is
created and filled with the results, he can run normal sql queries on
it.  Any other child classes that get added also have access to the
SMAFields class's fields through it's Security relation.  Thus a user
can add as many child classes with as many columns as they want, and
have access to all the fields they've already set up.  I'm not sure
something like that is possible through inheritance?

The new fields can then be added to the table viewer in the gui and
basically be used as if they were part of the Security class from the
beginning, running sql queries being the most important feature.

It mostly works, though the really ugly hacking of SA I've done to get
it to work might not be perfect.

Is there a more elegant way to this?  Is this even the best approach
at allowing a user to add new behaviour to the application?

I'm new to SA and have never used any SQL before either so I'm sure
there must be better design patterns for something like this already.

I hope it's clear what my intent is now.

Thanks again for you help svilen.


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